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2014-10-14 October
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
October 14, 2014
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:07PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barrett, Roger Rapoza

 Jeanne  Bartovics  from the Historical Society attended the meeting to clarify concerns from the Fall Art and Craft Fair on the Common. After receiving a rough draft of unapproved minutes from the September meeting.   She wanted to clarify that some of the damage was not caused by the craft fair but done over night, she did notify police.  She and another family member cleaned up the debris. Trash was cleaned up Saturday after the event but more trash did accumulate on Sunday.  John stated that each group is responsible for their event and that the  department may need to be a better job in getting the rules for Common use out to event holder.  The Historical Society will reimburse the Cemetery and Parks for the damage to the fence.
A discussion was then held about vehicles on the Common.  Jeanne felt that it would be difficult to get enough man power to help all the vendors with unloading for the fair.  It was also discussed to enlarge the opening of the common so that vehicles would avoid hitting the fence.  An option might be to have a designated unloading times the night before to minimize traffic on the common. John made the motion to keep the current policy.  Tubby second. John and Tubby voted in favor of the policy Ray opposed.  Motion carried.
Minutes were then reviews and amended to reflect changes.
Port a Potty will be on the Common from Memorial Day until end of summer.  Events can rent their own unit(s) as needed.
The Rules and regulations for the common were reviewed.  #2 was amended regarding vehicles on the common and #7 was added regarding trash.  They will be finalized at the next meeting.
Superintendents Report:
Hillside water main work from avenue 5.  The system does not need to be replaced; repairs can be done which will save approx. $3,000.00.
Fence repair continues.  The whole front section is nearly complete.  John moved to complete the project form Avenue 6 to Avenue 10. Ray second all were in favor.
Plans will be drawn up for cleaning stones.
Capitol Request Forms ideas.  Adding the barn/garage to cerat more space.  Roger will work on getting figures and plans.

Next meeting scheduled for November 10, at 7PM.

Meeting adjourned. 9:10PM.


Pam Haman